Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Get Educated In 2014!

Make getting educated in 2014 your New Year’s Resolution! UNISON Scotland’s Activist Education Programme for next year has just been released. The programme contains something for everyone, allowing you to enhance your skills and knowledge and keep you Trained and Active in UNISON. Well trained activists are the backbone of our union and UNISON aims to provide relevant, quality education to equip them for the challenges we face. If you’d like to apply, or find out more information you can contact the Branch’s Learning Officer Andy Anderson - 07880 385 487, andrew.anderson@westlothian.gov.uk You can also contact the Branch Officer – 01506 282 270, unison@westlothian.gov.uk http://www.unison-scotland.org.uk/education/201314programme2_unison.pdf